Source Code Sample

Home Up Case Analysis Source Code Sample



/* NAME: Ricky Shah */

/* STUDENT ID: 38104916 */

/* EMAIL: */

/* TA NAME: Akira Hatanaka */

/* Program: Tic Tac Toe */


//This is the Tic Tac Toe Game class

public class TicTacToe


private static char[][] plays= new char[3][3];

private static char turn; //private variables

private static int numPlays=0;

//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: all variables are cleared along with the board

public TicTacToe()


clearBoard(); //the default constructor clears teh board, setting everything to zero


//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: all variables are cleared along with the board

public void clearBoard()


for(int row=0; row<3; row++)

for(int col=0; col<3; col++)


plays[row][col]=' '; //goes through all nine spaces in array

} //and replaces data with a ' '

turn='X'; //sets the intial player to X

numPlays=0; //set the total number of plays on the board to zero


//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: displays the board on screen

public void printBoard()


System.out.println("(R/C) 1 2 3");

System.out.println(" -------------------------");

System.out.println(" | | | |");

System.out.println(" 1 | "+plays[0][0]+" | "+plays[0][1]+" | "+plays[0][2]+" |");

System.out.println(" |_______|_______|______ |");

System.out.println(" | | | |");

System.out.println(" 2 | "+plays[1][0]+" | "+plays[1][1]+" | "+plays[1][2]+" |");

System.out.println(" |_______|_______|______ |");

System.out.println(" | | | |");

System.out.println(" 3 | "+plays[2][0]+" | "+plays[2][1]+" | "+plays[2][2]+" |");

System.out.println(" | | | |");

System.out.println(" -------------------------");


//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: returns true if there is a winner, or else false

private boolean isThereWinner()


int row, col;

//checks to see if one player has whole row completed

for(row=0; row<3; row++)


if ((plays[row][0]==plays[row][1] && plays[row][0]==plays[row][2]) && plays[row][0]!=' ')

return true;


//cheacks to see it one player has whole column completed

for(col=0; col<3; col++)


if ((plays[0][col]==plays[1][col] && plays[0][col]==plays[2][col]) && plays[2][col]!=' ')

return true;


//checks is one player completed either diagonal

if ((plays[0][0]==plays[1][1] && plays[0][0]==plays[2][2]) && plays[0][0]!=' ')

return true;

if ((plays[0][2]==plays[1][1] &&plays[0][2]==plays[2][0]) && plays[0][2]!=' ')

return true;

return false;


//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: Controls entire game

public void takeUserInput()


char choice;

int moveRow, moveCol;

if (numPlays == 9) //if the board is full, end the game


System.out.println("Board Full. No Winner.");





System.out.println("It's "+ whoseTurn()+"'s turn. ");

System.out.println("Where would you like to make your move? ");


System.out.print("Row: ");

//precondition for readInt is that only integers are entered

moveRow=SavitchIn. readInt( );

System.out.print("Col: ");

moveCol=SavitchIn. readInt( );

if (moveRow>3 || moveRow<1 || moveCol>3 || moveCol<1) //checks to make sure point is on board

System.out.println("Out of bounds. Enter 1, 2 or 3 only");


while(moveRow>3 || moveRow<1 || moveCol>3 || moveCol<1);

if (plays[moveRow-1][moveCol-1]!=' ') //makes sure that move is only placed on empty space



System.out.println("Error: Space is taken. Try another space");


System.out.print("Row: ");

moveRow=SavitchIn. readInt( );

System.out.print("Col: ");

moveCol=SavitchIn. readInt( );

if (moveRow>3 || moveRow<1 || moveCol>3 || moveCol<1)

System.out.println("Out of bounds. Enter 1, 2 or 3 only");

}while(moveRow>3 || moveRow<1 || moveCol>3 || moveCol<1);

}while (plays[moveRow-1][moveCol-1]!=' ');


System.out.println("You chose Row: "+ moveRow);

System.out.println("You chose Col: "+ moveCol); //confirms input of user

plays[moveRow-1][moveCol-1]=whoseTurn(); //sets data in array

numPlays++; //updates the number of plays


if (isThereWinner()) //if there is a winner, the winner is printed then exits



System.out.println("********"+whoseTurn()+ " is the winner. *********");





nextTurn(); //or else is switched players



//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: return whose turn it is

public char whoseTurn()


return turn; //returns the private varialbe turn


//Precondition: None

//Postcondition: changes whose turn is it and then calls the takeuser input function

private void nextTurn()


if (turn=='X')





